There is no other better way to lessen plastic consumption than make your own food, your own clothes, or anything that you need in life.
5 easy DIY projects for beginners
Living in the middle of a pandemic, It's even more important that you find new hobbies to keep yourself mentally stable and motivated in life. Moreover, by DIYing your own things, you don't need to go outside shopping and interact with a lot of people.
1/ Use plastic bottles to plant trees
Used plastic bottles can now become a cute plant for your work corner in just a minute.
2/ Lamp in a jar
Pick up your empty jar, decorate it the way you like and put the light pub inside.
Ta da, there's you have a new table lamp/ hanging light!
3/ Make your own soap using ice tray
Just melt the soap, add your favorite color and scent.
How easy is it to make this beautiful customize soap bar!
4/ Mini wood coaster from ice cream sticks
Why throw away your ice cream sticks when you can make such aesthetic wood coasters?
5/ Eco-brick
Use a stick to shove every newspaper that you can into an empty plastic bottle.
Yes, make it as hard as possible!!! This brick can be used to build fences, bookshelves and even houses.
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