
Showing posts from November, 2021


OUR VISION - a  world free of plastic waste   OUR MISSION -  On your free-plastic journey, you will never be alone because we will always be by your side. Our mission is to inspire and accompany you on the way to changing to plastic-free living.    Why you should join Plastigue community and change to plastic-free living?   Plastic-free living can be a tough transition, but everyone who is doing it will tell you that it’s very rewarding, both for yourself and for what you’re doing for our planet. Here are a few quick benefits of living a plastic-free lifestyle:  1. Save our environment We feel that the Earth, our sacred shared home, also has a right to a healthy existence. The Earth is suffering for the same reason our bodies are suffering. A sacred balance has been disturbed. Humanity’s insensitivity and reliance on fossil fuel-based products like plastic cause widespread pollution and energy wastage. If we can decrease the amount of plastic bei...